HydrolEx H-506

Complementary and robust

If you perform acid hydrolysis as a sample preparation step for total fat determination, discover HydrolEx H-506 as a complementary and robust addition to your FatExtractor E-500. Benefit from a smooth, safe process with convenient system handling.

  • Application:Acid hydrolysis prior to extraction for compliant total fat determination
  • Automation degree:semi-automated
  • Solvents:4 M Hydrochloric acid
HydrolEx H-506

Compliant acid hydrolysis for total fat determination

Acid hydrolysis prior to extraction is an essential work step during for total fat determination, for which matrix structures enclosing the fat fraction of food and feed samples are broken up. With HydrolEx H-506, you assure conformity with official regulations for the declaration of total fat content. Obtain highly reproducible results with a standardized and comprehensive procedure. Comfortably work with large sample volumes of up to 10 grams of sample, for achieving accurate results, independent of fat content or homogeneity. 

Compliant acid hydrolysis for total fat determination

Safe handling

Improve your safety by avoiding exposure to harmful fumes with effective and long-lasting FKM sealings. Convenient transfer of the hydrolysate eliminates any contact with the sample.

Safe handling


Comfortably operate the complementary and robust HydrolEx H-506 with a lift device that supports the smooth movement of the sample rack. Make your rinsing more efficient with specialized rinsing funnels. Achieve complete sample transfer and high recoveries thanks to fast and convenient filtration. Easily transfer the hydrolysed sample into the Soxhlet extraction chamber with reusable glass sample tubes.



  • Perfect match between hydrolysis and fat extraction with specialized glass samples that fit perfectly into the FatExtractor E-500 or UniversalExtractor E-800.

    Integrated workflow
  • Unique hydrolysis vessels reduce foaming of even large sample volumes.

    Specialized hydrolysis vessels
  • Smooth filtration and rinsing of six samples in parallel is made possible thanks to a powerful vacuum source, optimized glass parts, as well as individual stop cocks that can interrupt the vacuum at each single position.

    Smooth filtration
  • The innovative rinsing funnels facilitate rinsing of sample vessels and guarantee the quantitative transfer from the vessels into the glass sample tube for easy handling and reproducible results.

    Rinsing funnels
  • You can add large sample volumes, of both liquid and solid samples of up to 10 g, to the hydrolysis vessels. Large sample amounts ensure reproducible result for low-fat or very inhomogeneous samples.

    Made for large sample volumes

Compare the HydrolEx H-506

  • HydrolEx H-506 for E-500

    • Glass sample tube: -
  • HydrolEx H-506 for E-800

    • Glass sample tube: -


Discover more documents


Compliant acid hydrolysis for total fat determination

Acid hydrolysis prior to extraction is an essential work step of the total fat determination whereby matrix structures enclosing the fat fraction of food and feed samples are broken up.
  • Food

    Crude fat and total fat (after acid hydrolysis) determination in food. For labelling, as sample preparation for fatty acid profile or residue and contaminant analysis, reference method for NIR calibrations.

  • Feed

    Crude fat and total fat determination (after acid hydrolysis) in feed and pet food. For labelling, as sample preparation for fatty acid profile or residue and contaminant analysis, reference method for NIR calibrations.
