KjelDigester K-446 / K-449
The KjelDigester K-446 / K-449 reduces the block digestion process by up to 2 hours and meets the highest safety requirements. The high degree of automation is the perfect match to the KjelMaster System allowing more samples per day to be processed.
SpeedDigester K-425 / K-436 / K-439
Set new standards for digestion speed, flexible use and result reproducibility with the IR SpeedDigester. Achieve higher sample throughput for nitrogen determination by Kjeldahl digestion and multiply functionality with this entry level IR digester.
FatExtractor E-500
The FatExtractor E-500 is designed for quick and compliant fat extraction. Readily adapt your FatExtractor E-500 to changing needs with the interchangeable glass assembly and execute extractions according to Soxhlet, Randall or Twisselmann.
UniversalExtractor E-800
The UniversalExtractor E-800 is powerful and perfect for demanding extraction tasks. Distinct extraction positions enable individual process control and simultaneous operation of 6 different extraction methods with high speed and reproducibility.
SpeedExtractor E-914 / E-916
Combine maximal speed and throughput with SpeedExtractor E-914 / E-916, your best solution for Pressurized Solvent Extraction (PSE). Increase productivity by processing more samples in parallel, easily loading samples and quickly collecting extracts.
HydrolEx H-506
If you perform acid hydrolysis as a sample preparation step for total fat determination, discover HydrolEx H-506 as a complementary and robust addition to your FatExtractor E-500. Benefit from a smooth, safe process with convenient system handling.