Operational quality performance Check: Nitrogen determination in reference substance
Kjel Line and MultiDist: Nitrogen determination in ammonium dihydrogen phosphate salt by direct distillation
Performance check with a reference substance is a key element in qualifying a distillation unit in anoperational qualification (OQ)procedure. To verify the Kjel Line and MultiDist instrumentsthe nitrogen content of dry ammonium dihydrogen phosphatemonobasicisdeterminedaccording to Kjeldahl method. Direct distillation with the steam distillation unit MultiDistwas followed by boric acid titration on the Metrohm Eco Titrator. Alternatively, manual titration with/without a titrator could also be performed toquantify the distilled Nitrogen content.
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TKN determination in water and wastewater
SpeedDigester K-439, Kjel Line and MultiDist: Steam distillation and Potentiometric determination of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) according to the kjeldahl method in water and wastewater along with determination of Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantification (LOQ).
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