Nitrogen & protein determination in milk powder

SpeedDigester K-439, Kjel Line and MultiDist: Nitrogen and protein determination in milk powder according to the kjeldahl method with kjeldahl tablets and hydrogen peroxide.

Nitrogen & protein determination in milk powder

An easy and reliable method for the determination of total nitrogen and protein in milk powder, according to ISO 8968-1,ISO 8968-3, AOAC 991.20and AOAC 930.29, is introduced below. The samples are digested using the SpeedDigester K-439 using Kjeldahl Tablets Titaniumand a combination of Kjeldahl tablets Titanium and hydrogen peroxide. A steam distillation protocol followed by a suitable boric acid titration is performed with the MultiKjel together with the Metrohm Eco Titrator. Coupling the new MultiKjel system and the Eco Titrator results in excellent performance with ease and speed of the analysis. A comparison with more cost-friendly configuration employing BasicKjel system for distillation and Eco Titrator for a separate titration is also presented in this Application Note.

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