
Software e app

Scopri cosa possono fare per te le app di BUCHI

Scoprite i vantaggi delle nostre app BUCHI per Android, Windows e iOS. La crescente richiesta di digitalizzazione e automazione è alla base del costante sviluppo delle nostre soluzioni. Controllate i vostri processi in remoto, ottimizzate il vostro flusso di lavoro e ottenete il massimo dai servizi BUCHI Cloud con le nostre soluzioni digitali in costante sviluppo.

BUCHI Monitor

The BUCHI Monitor App offers live view of all Rotavapor® in conjunction with the Interface I-300 or I-300 Pro and Lyovapor™ parameters. The BUCHI Cloud allows communication between multiple smart phones with multiple instruments.

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Extraction Reports

The BUCHI Extraction Reports App offers push messages, real-time status of the extraction progress and comprehensive reporting for the FatExtractor E-500 in conjunction with the standard and pro interface and the UniversalExtractor E-800. Multiple instruments can be connected to the same smart phone or tablet for simultaneous status display and reporting.

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Kjeldahl Optimizer

The Kjeldahl Optimizer helps you to set up a Kjeldahl experiment correctly. It shows you how to save time, chemicals and finally money. It is a vital tool in the application support for Kjeldahl users. Application-related questions can be answered quickly and competently.

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For support in technical or applicative matters please contact our app support team: