
Logiciels et applications

Découvrez ce que les applications de BUCHI peuvent faire pour vous

Découvrez les applications BUCHI pour Android, Windows et iOS. La numérisation et l’automatisation accrues sont au cœur de notre développement continu.  Surveillez les procédés à distance, optimisez votre flux de travail et tirez le meilleur parti des services cloud de BUCHI grâce à notre gamme toujours croissante de logiciels et d’applications. 

BUCHI Monitor

The BUCHI Monitor App offers live view of all Rotavapor® in conjunction with the Interface I-300 or I-300 Pro and Lyovapor™ parameters. The BUCHI Cloud allows communication between multiple smart phones with multiple instruments.

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Extraction Reports

The BUCHI Extraction Reports App offers push messages, real-time status of the extraction progress and comprehensive reporting for the FatExtractor E-500 in conjunction with the standard and pro interface and the UniversalExtractor E-800. Multiple instruments can be connected to the same smart phone or tablet for simultaneous status display and reporting.

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Kjeldahl Optimizer

The Kjeldahl Optimizer helps you to set up a Kjeldahl experiment correctly. It shows you how to save time, chemicals and finally money. It is a vital tool in the application support for Kjeldahl users. Application-related questions can be answered quickly and competently.

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For support in technical or applicative matters please contact our app support team: