10 Nov 2021

How to purify, concentrate & formulate proteins and peptides

Discovery and development of proteins and peptides, especially for their therapeutic potential, is one of the hottest research areas in science. In our webinar, learn how to purify, concentrate and formulate proteins with common lab techniques.
  • Type:Sesuai permintaan
Isi pelatihan

Join three BUCHI experts on concentration, separation and formulation of proteins and peptides as they take you through the theory and hands-on lab work involved in protein discovery and development.

Target pembelajaran
  • How to use reversed-phase chromatography to separate proteins
  • Comparison of rotary evaporation and freeze drying for protein concentration
  • Comparison of spray drying and freeze drying in formulation
  • How to adjust parameters to optimize your chromatography, rotary evaporation, freeze drying and spray drying processes
  • Plus ask the experts your own question with a guaranteed answer
10 Nov 2021
70 minutes
Virtual Classrom
For free
Bahasa kursus

Permintaan Pelatihan

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