Fat determination in Mayonnaise and Chocolate using the Speed­Extractor E-916

SpeedExtractor E-916, Multivapor™: Fat determination in Mayonnaise and Chocolate using the SpeedExtractor E-916
Fat determination in Mayonnaise and Chocolate using the SpeedExtractor E-916
Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE) is a well-established alternative for extracting lipids and/or various components faster and cheaper, but less frequently used for the verification of fat labels in food products. A reliable and fast procedure using PLE to determine the fat content in samples with easily accessible fat is presented below. The extraction was carried out using the SpeedExtractor E-916 in combination with Multivapor™ P-12 for solvent evaporation in parallel. The fat content was determined gravimetrically after the extract has been dried to a constant weight.

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