Oil in Soybeans according to AOCS Am 2-93

FatExtractor E-500 ECE: determination of oil content in a soybeans sample by continuous extraction according to AOCS Am 2-93 (equal to ISO 659 and FOSFA)
Oil in Soybeans according to AOCS Am 2-93

A procedure for the oil determination in a soybeans sample following the official method AOCS Am 2-93 Oil Content in Oilseeds by the American Oil Chemists` Society is introduced. The standard method Am 2-93 is equal to the International Standard ISO 659:2009 and the FOSFA International Official Method. The standard methods require an extraction with a Butt-type extraction apparatus. The Butt-type extraction is equal to the Twisselmann extraction method used in the FatExtractor E-500 ECE. The oil content is determined gravimetrically after the extract has been dried to a constant weight. The standard methods describe a determination consisting of three extractions with grinding in-between. This Application Note shows by means of a certified reference material sample that reliable and reproducible results will be received using the FatExtractor E-500 ECE.

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