Extraction of Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) using the Speed­Extractor E-916 for the Determination of Total Polyphenol Content

SpeedExtractor E-916: Extraction of Edelweis (Leontopodium alpinum) using the SpeedExtractor E-916 for the Determination of Total Polyphenol Content
Extraction of Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) using the SpeedExtractor E-916 for the Determination of Total Polyphenol Content
Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) grows in alpine areas between 1800 and 3000 meters above sea level. It is also cultivated for their valuable extract, rich in polyphenols and antioxidizing agents. The extract is used in cosmetics, facial creams and sun screen. The sum parameter of total polyphenol content is commonly used in plant analysis to quantify the power of the antioxidizing effect. An efficient extraction method to determine the total polyphenol content in Edelweiss using the SpeedExtractor E-916 is presented.

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