Oil determination in peanuts by Twisselmann extraction

FatExtractor E-500 ECE: Determination of oil content in a peanut sample by Twisselmann extraction according to AOCS Ab 3-49
Oil determination in peanuts by Twisselmann extraction

This Application Note follows the official method AOCS Ab 3-49 by the American Oil Chemists` Society for the oil determination in peanuts. The standard method AOCS Ab 3-49 requires an extraction with a Butt-type extraction apparatus with an extraction time of twice 2 h. The Butt-type extraction is equal to the Twisselmann extraction method used in the FatExtractor E-500 ECE. As both are continuous extractions where the sample is constantly kept in hot solvent vapor whilst efficiently rinsed with freshly distilled solvent. The oil content is determined gravimetrically after the extract has been dried to a constant weight. 

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