Monitoring Cheese Blending

Monitoring Cheese Blending with a BUCHI NIR-Online® process analyzer: Fat and Total Solids Determination in Processed Cheese with NIR

Monitoring Cheese Blending

Cheese blending is the critical step when manufacturing processed cheese products (PCP) like fondue, analogue cheese, cheese spreads, or related products. Monitoring this process step not only ensures a consistent high quality final product, it also reduces the operating costs and increases the margin. Product parameters like total solids content, fat, protein, lactose, pH, salt or homogeneity need to comply both with legal limits and with strict recipe specifications. The installation of a BUCHI NIR-Online® process sensor at the bottom of the blending chamber or along the piping via Varinline adapter enables monitoring these target parameters and making timely adjustments in order to meet specified final product quality.


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