Extraction of Genepi (Artemisia umbelliformis) using the Speed­Extractor E-916 for the quantification of Costunolide

SpeedExtractor E-916: Extraction of Genepi (Artemisia umbelliformis) using the SpeedExtractor E-916 for the quantification of Costunolide
Extraction of Genepi (Artemisia umbelliformis) using the SpeedExtractor E-916 for the quantification of Costunolide
The Genépi plant (Artemisia umbelliformis) grows in alpine areas between 2000 and 3700 meters above sea level. The plant is cultivated and used to produce a herb liquor, a local specialty in the region of the Valais Alps of Switzerland, Northern Italy and Western France. Costunolide is a sesquiterpene lactone and the main compound responsible for the bitterness of the Genépi plant and much desired for its distinguished taste.

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