Monitoring Meat Processing with NIR

BUCHI NIR-Online® sensors: Determination of Protein, Moisture, and Fat in Minced Meat

Monitoring Meat Processing with NIR

NIR spectroscopy has become an invaluable tool in the meat industry for quality control. It enables efficient and reliable analysis, helping meat producers ensure product consistency, optimize processing, and meet quality standards.

In the meat industry, NIR spectroscopy is employed for various applications, such as determining fat, protein, or moisture content. By obtaining real-time data without the need for extensive sample preparation, NIR spectroscopy enables fast and cost-efficient assessment of meat products at different stages of production. The benefits of NIR spectroscopy for quality control in the meat industry include enhanced process efficiency, reduced waste, and improved consistency of end products.

Find out more about how NIR can support the production of minced meat in this application note.

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