Protein determination and nitrogen and in dairy products

KjelDigester K-449, KjelMaster K-375 with KjelSampler K-376: Accelerated Nitrogen and Protein Determination in Dairy Products According to the Kjeldahl Method by Digestion with Kjeldahl Tablets and Hydrogen Peroxide Followed by Colorimetric Titration
Protein determination and nitrogen and in dairy products
The determination of protein in food is a routine procedure for quality assurance and labelling. A simple and fast procedure for protein determination in dairy products, according to ISO 8968-3 and AOAC 991.20 is introduced below. The sample is digested with sulfuric acid, the Kjeldahl Tablet Titanium and hydrogen peroxide using the KjelDigester K-449 – followed by distillation and titration with the KjelMaster system K-375 / K-376. The determined protein contents correspond to the labelled values.

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