Determination of oil contents in seed samples
SpeedExtractor E-916, Multivapor, Hydrolysis Unit E-416, Extraction Unit E-816 SOX: Comparison of different extraction methods: Pressurized Solvent Extraction (PSE) using SpeedExtractor E-916 versus Weibull Stoldt method using Hydrolysis Unit E-416 and Extraction Unit E-816 SOX
Cosmetics Lab Magazine Vol 2
In "COSMETICS LAB" Issue 2, gain useful information on how to turn natural raw material into active compounds. Benefit from useful information on techniques used in all steps of cosmetics development. Learn how to extract and screen for active ingredients and how to use chromatography to purify raw material. Plus fun facts, horoscopes, quizzes and an exclusive interview on the topic of fighting misinformation in the cosmetics industry.
Cosmetics Lab Magazine Vol 3
In "COSMETICS LAB" Issue 3, find everything you need to know about the making of make-up. Improve your formulation proficiency by gaining insightful information on microencapsulation and spray drying. Plus read cosmetics formulation tips, recipes, quizzes, horscopes and an exlcusive interview with a microencapsulation expert.
Cosmetics Lab Magazine Vol 4
In "COSMETICS LAB" Issue 4, gain knowledge on modern and established techniques used for quality control in the cosmetics industry. Learn how to convincingly demonstrate product safety and performance by optimizing your QC processes. Specific topics include green sample preparation using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), benefits and limitations of chromatography detectors used in QC, the importance of performing trace metal element analysis, how NIR speeds up the QC process and more.
Chromapedia: the complete guide
The complete Chromapedia presents you with essential knowledge for developing and performing the optimal flash chromatography and prep HPLC method. Rely on concise theory and clear explanations of all parts of the chromatography process. Use chromatography basics to develop your own method with consumables, detection methods, stationary and mobile phases that ideally fit your application.
Syncore® Application Guide
Discover the important aspects for the evaporation of your specific solvents, solvent mixtures and the concentration of a sample to a predefined volume. This handbook will help you to streamline your own process with sample applications, checklists, hints, rules, tables and tests.