Fat determination in Yogurt

Hydrolysis unit E-416, Extraction Unit E-816 ECE: fat Determination in yogurt samples using Twisselmann and Soxhlet extraction
Fat determination in Yogurt
An effective procedure for fat determination in food according to §64 LFGB L 01.00-20 is presented. The sample is hydrolyzed with the Hydrolysis Unit E-416. The Twisselmann extraction is performed with the Extraction Unit E-816 ECE (Economic Continuous Extraction). This allows the sample to be constantly kept in hot solvent vapor whilst being efficiently rinsed with freshly distilled solvent. After the extract has been dried to a constant weight the total fat content is determined gravimetrically. The results from the Twisselmann extraction were compared to the results from the Soxhlet extraction method.

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