Lyovapor™ L-200

The first Freeze Dryer with Infinite-Control™

As the first freeze dryer with Infinite-Control™, the compact Lyovapor L-200 offers unparalleled automation in sublimation. Easily create and run methods, log data, record charts in real-time and interact from anywhere at anytime with mobile devices.

  • Condenser capacity:≤ 6 kg
  • Condensing capacity: ≤6 kg / 24 h
  • Cooling capacity compressor:1.97 kW (for 50 Hz), 2.33 kW (for 60 Hz)
  • Lowest condenser temperature:-55°C


The drying chamber options on the Lyovapor™ L-200 are as varied as your application needs for true versatility and adaptability. You can easily install the instrument on a trolley, bench or a fume hood for flexible use in any lab location. Optionally upgrade to Interface Pro for access to the most advanced features of the freeze dryer.



Freely monitor the performance of the Lyovapor™ L-200, the first Freeze Dryer with Infinite-Control™, from any location using your mobile device. A smartly designed app keeps you actively informed of the freeze-drying progress with push notifications. Take extra care of your precious products with the sample protective state. User-friendly method handling and operation guarantees a flawless experience with your lyophilization instrument.



The Lyovapor™ L-200 optimizes your freeze-drying process thanks to reliable end point determination. The instrument offers superior reproducibility and reliability due to stable process parameters such as cooling temperature, shelf temperature variation ±1 °C and vacuum pressure.



  • BUCHI offers application support, trainings, preventive maintenance and IQ/OQ documentation

    Comprehensive service
  • Use temperature difference together with optional product temperature sensors to determine the end point.

    End point determination
  • Easily read process paramenters on the adjustable display. Flexibly attach the display at the front or the side of the freeze dryer to best fit your needs.

    Ergonomic handling
  • The sample protective state is activated any time the sample temperature rises above the set collapse temperature of if the pressure falls outside of the safety range. The sample protecive state reduces the pressure, stops the shelf-heating and safeguards your precious sample.

    Sample protective state
  • Connect and place an additional interface outside the fume hood to control the lyophilization from outside for extra process adaptability. Work with the advanced Lyovapor™ Software after a simple upgrade to Interface Pro.

    Second Interface
  • Adjust the shelf distance according to your application requirements. Link two manifold racks together for added flexibility in the lyophilization set-up.

    Flexible drying chambers

Compare the Lyovapor™ L-200

  • Lyovapor™ L-200 Classic

    • Condenser capacity:6 kg
    • Lowest condenser temperature:-55 °C
    • Condensing capacity:≤ 6 kg / 24 h at 20°C ambient temperature
    • Minimum system vacuum:Typically ≤ 0.04 mbar
    • Drying shelf temperature: -
    • Drying shelf temperature tolerance: -
    • User interphase:4.6 in
  • Lyovapor™ L-200 Classic

    • Condenser capacity:6 kg
    • Lowest condenser temperature:-55 °C
    • Condensing capacity:≤ 6 kg / 24 h at 20°C ambient temperature
    • Minimum system vacuum:Typically ≤ 0.04 mbar
    • Drying shelf temperature: -
    • Drying shelf temperature tolerance: -
    • User interphase:4.6 in
  • Lyovapor™ L-200 Classic

    • Condenser capacity:6 kg
    • Lowest condenser temperature:-55 °C
    • Condensing capacity:≤ 6 kg / 24 h at 20°C ambient temperature
    • Minimum system vacuum:Typically ≤ 0.04 mbar
    • Drying shelf temperature: -
    • Drying shelf temperature tolerance: -
    • User interphase:4.6 in
  • Lyovapor™ L-200 Classic

    • Condenser capacity:6 kg
    • Lowest condenser temperature:-55 °C
    • Condensing capacity:≤ 6 kg / 24 h at 20°C ambient temperature
    • Minimum system vacuum:Typically ≤ 0.04 mbar
    • Drying shelf temperature: -
    • Drying shelf temperature tolerance: -
    • User interphase:4.6 in
  • Lyovapor™ L-200 Pro

    • Condenser capacity:6 kg
    • Lowest condenser temperature:-55 °C
    • Condensing capacity:≤ 6 kg / 24 h at 20°C ambient temperature
    • Minimum system vacuum:Typically ≤ 0.04 mbar
    • Drying shelf temperature:up to 60°C
    • Drying shelf temperature tolerance:± 1°C
    • User interphase:7 in
  • Lyovapor™ L-200 Pro

    • Condenser capacity:6 kg
    • Lowest condenser temperature:-55 °C
    • Condensing capacity:≤ 6 kg / 24 h at 20°C ambient temperature
    • Minimum system vacuum:Typically ≤ 0.04 mbar
    • Drying shelf temperature:up to 60°C
    • Drying shelf temperature tolerance:± 1°C
    • User interphase:7 in
  • Lyovapor™ L-200 Classic

    • Condenser capacity:6 kg
    • Lowest condenser temperature:-55 °C
    • Condensing capacity:≤ 6 kg / 24 h at 20°C ambient temperature
    • Minimum system vacuum:Typically ≤ 0.04 mbar
    • Drying shelf temperature: -
    • Drying shelf temperature tolerance: -
    • User interphase:4.6 in
  • Lyovapor™ L-200 Pro

    • Condenser capacity:6 kg
    • Lowest condenser temperature:-55 °C
    • Condensing capacity:≤ 6 kg / 24 h at 20°C ambient temperature
    • Minimum system vacuum:Typically ≤ 0.04 mbar
    • Drying shelf temperature:up to 60°C
    • Drying shelf temperature tolerance:± 1°C
    • User interphase:7 in
The Lyovapor™ L-200 is an extremely high quality laboratory Freeze Drying system for a wide range of applications. The operation of the Freeze Dryer and the drying of all kinds of different samples are straightforward.Prof. Dr. Heiko A. Schiffter-Weinle - Department of Galenics, TH Köln/University of Applied Sciences


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From standard application to unlimited ice capacity

BUCHI has been producing user-friendly and highly beneficial solutions in the area of laboratory evaporation for more than 55 years. Those decades of experience and high quality demands feed directly into innovative solutions for Freeze Drying. For the first time, continuous Freeze Drying is available to a broad spectrum of applications from research and development to quality control in a wide variety of market segments.
  • Education

    For a wide range of applications in academic education: Complete temperature sensitive drying.

  • Biotechnology

    Used in biotechnology development for drying biologically active products: Drying and stabilization of small quantities in micro titer plates or small flasks.

  • Environmental Analysis

    Required for sample preparation and stabilization to monitor environmental pollution: During storage of samples in order to destroy micro-organisms. Drying, e.g. for SpeedExtractor.

    Environmental Analysis
  • Chemical

    For gentle and lossless drying in QC and R&D laboratories: Drying of most minute quantities in micro titer plates as well as small and large flasks or bulk drying is possible.

  • Food and Natural Extracts

    Used for developing function-al food and analytics: Solvent is removed during, drying without destroying, the natural substances such as proteins, minerals or vitamins.

    Food and Natural Extracts
  • Pharmaceutical

    For various applications in QC as well as laboratory scale synthesis and formulation in R&D departments: Drying of peptides and proteins of amorphous and crystalline solutions.
